Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I'm trying to study. I really am. Except now, instead of being distracted by many many episodes of the Simpsons, How I met your mother, and most recently of all The Secret World of Alex Mack(HAHA!), I get distracted by him. Not like he's calling me an awful lot, though we do spend all night on the phone, but like thinking of him. Its so weird how all these feelings just rush back to you.

I keep telling my friends I'm happy. And they proceed to end my sentence with for now. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe things will work out this time. Maybe they won't. Whatever it is, I'm 17. I've many many mistakes ahead of me. If I keep being afraid its probably not gonna get me anywhere. Like I said, he makes me happy.

I'm a happy happy girl. For now. Haha but there's always so much drama in my life something's gonna screw up sooner or later. Preferably later. I don't wanna jinx things too early, but this may be the one time I get to spend a birthday with a boy. Somehow I always end things like right before my birthday. Or Valentine's day. Or Christmas. Fucked up right? Yeah I know.

I'm off to try and study. Though I just messaged him. He's probably still sleeping. I went to sleep at 6.20am. So did he. Nvm, its fun to wake him up. For me, not him. Hahaha I'm gonna turn my blog into something horribly sappy. And all my friends are gonna kena forced to read all of it.

Oh and we ran into Mr Fong, my GP tutor at Vivocity. Hahaha so gonna kena for not studying in the middle of exams. Hey it was youth day, I was out celebrating my youth.

Like I said, off to try and study. Good luck with that Sasa.

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